Overall Database Statistics for All Samples

Distribution of All Database Samples by State
AL 7
AR 6
AZ 18
CA 3,020
CO 348
CT 86
DE 26
FL 1,068
GA 35,514
IA 8,781
ID 123
IL 10,085
IN 33,826
KS 2,109
KY 71
MA 39
MD 425
ME 137
MI 10,042
MN 216
MO 367
MT 19
NC 168,415
ND 95
NE 1,961
NH 245
NJ 160
NM 13
NY 22,417
OH 8,683
OK 524
OR 18
PA 8,538
RI 6
SC 10,374
SD 6
TN 74
TX 3,688
UT 117
VA 17,238
VT 1,714
WA 42
WI 16,782
WV 40

Database Statistics
Number of All Samples in Database: 481,359
Number of All Samples in Database with known location: 367,483
Number of All Lab Results in Database: 5,155,740

See the Data Explorer page to browse and download Sample data.

Unit conversion equations used came from the Recommend Methods of Manure Analysis, Second Edition.

Interquartile range
25th percentile of values
middle value of all samples, same as the median
middle value of all samples
75th percentile of values
minimum value of all samples
average value of all samples
maximum value of all samples
Animal Type Combined Category Animal Type
Swine Swine, Swine - Farrow to Wean, Swine - Farrow to Feeder, Swine - Farrow to Finish, Swine - Gestation, Swine - Finisher, Swine - Boar Stud, Swine - Nursery, Swine - Wean to Finish, Swine - Feeder to Finish
Poultry Poultry, Chicken, Chicken - Breeder, Chicken - Broiler, Chicken - Broiler Layer, Chicken - Layer, Chicken - Pullet, Turkey, Turkey - Meat, Turkey - Hen
Beef Beef, Beef - Breeding, Beef - Calf, Beef - Finisher, Beef - Replacement Heifers, Beef - Stocker
Dairy Dairy, Dairy - Calf and Heifer, Dairy - Calf, Dairy - Heifers, Dairy - Lactating Cow, Dairy - Dry Cow, Dairy - Steer