Unit conversion equations used came from the
Recommend Methods of Manure Analysis, Second Edition.
- Interquartile range
- IQR25
- 25th percentile of values
- IQR50
- middle value of all samples, same as the median
- Median
- middle value of all samples
- IQR75
- 75th percentile of values
- Min
- minimum value of all samples
- Mean
- average value of all samples
- Max
- maximum value of all samples
Animal Type Combined Category |
Animal Type |
Swine |
Swine, Swine - Farrow to Wean, Swine - Farrow to Feeder, Swine - Farrow to Finish, Swine - Gestation, Swine - Finisher, Swine - Boar Stud, Swine - Nursery, Swine - Wean to Finish, Swine - Feeder to Finish |
Poultry |
Poultry, Chicken, Chicken - Breeder, Chicken - Broiler, Chicken - Broiler Layer, Chicken - Layer, Chicken - Pullet, Turkey, Turkey - Meat, Turkey - Hen |
Beef |
Beef, Beef - Breeding, Beef - Calf, Beef - Finisher, Beef - Replacement Heifers, Beef - Stocker |
Dairy |
Dairy, Dairy - Calf and Heifer, Dairy - Calf, Dairy - Heifers, Dairy - Lactating Cow, Dairy - Dry Cow, Dairy - Steer |